
28 February 2015

Review: Ireland: Eurovision 2015 | Molly Sterling

Molly Sterling will be 'Playing With Numbers' for Ireland in Vienna
Another national final was screened last night and this time it was the turn of Ireland to select its representative in Austria. It was a something of a surprise to see that Molly Sterling's self-penned Playing With Numbers will be the song going to Vienna in May.

As has become customary, RTE's Late, Late Show was the venue for this year's five candidates to present their songs and rumour had it that either Swedish singer Erika Selin or Ireland's own Nikki Kavanagh were the favourites to win. Performing in third and fourth positions, neither displayed their vocal talents at their best, evidently leaving it a two-horse race between Molly and the Irish country flavours of Kat Mahon. Once the result had been announced, the gentle ballad Playing With Numbers had narrowly secured the victory by a margin of four points.

Of the five, Molly's song was by far the best of a bland bunch. Had Nikki Kavanagh produced a better vocal, her song would probably have fit in with the pop requirements of Eurovision in 2015, but Molly's more measured and mature performance surpassed it and all the others.

That's pretty ironic considering that Molly is only 16-years-old. Not bad for a young girl who not only performs the entry, but who has also displayed that she is an equally talented songwriter and musician.

Unfortunately, in the realm of piano ballads this song is just not strong enough. Like its singer it's rather pretty but, in my opinion, it feels as if it evolves very little throughout its three minutes. There's nothing that truly captivates the listener, nor fascinates sufficiently to want to hear it again for a second or third time.

Sad, really. Following last year's failure for Ireland, and as a former Eurovision powerhouse, I was hoping that the country would be able to up its game in 2015. Unfortunately, it hasn't. 'Pretty' and 'nice' are not good enough reasons to vote for Playing With Numbers and I foresee it stalling in the semi-finals.

What are your thoughts about the Irish entry?

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